For 100 years, MidHudson Regional Hospital has been known as a healthcare center that prioritized the very highest quality possible for the community it serves. Your safety is our top priority!
Our Quality Promise
Quality means proven technology put to work right for you, there is no doubt you want to be in the hospital for no other reason than to get better. However, because we strive for innovation and medical advancement, quality also means applying our history of learning to newer, simpler, less invasive (where possible) modes of care giving so that you benefit from today's advancements too. These two aspects must work together in order for us to deliver a care giving experience that you can trust and rely on for your needs.
Patient Safety and Quality of Care
At MidHudson Regional Hospital, we welcome feedback. If you have a concern/complaint about safety and/or the quality of care, please contact our Patient Representative at 845.483.5565.
If your concern/complaint cannot be resolved, you may contact:
The New York State Department of Health: 1-800-804- 5447
DNV: 1-866-523-6842 or