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Asthma Treatment

Asthma Treatment - Bronchial Thermoplasty

A non-drug procedure for severe persistent asthmas

MidHudson Regional Hospital is dedicated to improving quality of life for patients with severe asthma. Bronchial Thermoplasty is a non-drug procedure for severe persistent asthmas in patients 18 years and older whose asthma is not well controlled with inhaled corticosteroids and long-acting beta agonists.

The procedure, performed at MidHudson Regional Hospital, consists of three separate treatment sessions, each scheduled approximately three weeks apart and often performed under moderate sedation. A treatment typically takes less than an hour, after which the patient goes home. The key to the procedure is a bronchoscope, a minimally invasive device used to see inside the airways and lungs, through which a probe is inserted into the patient’s airways.

“The treatment utilizes radio-frequency energy to heat the patient’s airway walls,” explained Dr. Zubair Khan, a thermoplasty specialist. “The heating reduces excessive airway smooth muscle, decreasing the ability of the airways to constrict and reducing the frequency of asthma attacks.”

Who is best suited for this treatment?

Candidates for Bronchial Thermoplasty include adults over the age of 18 on high doses of inhaled corticosteroids and long-acting beta agonists still experiencing symptoms, known as severe persistent asthma. It is especially helpful for those patients who need frequent steroid bursts, or have been seen in an emergency room, urgent care center, or have frequent unexpected physician visits.

Bronchial Thermoplasty does not currently replace corticosteroids in the treatment of severe persistent asthma.  Bronchial Thermoplasty does not cure severe asthma, but will improve a patient’s quality of life.

For an appointment or evaluation, call Dr. Khan’s office (89 West Cedar Street, Poughkeepsie) at 845.232.5590.